by Renaissance Artists and Writers Association
SkyBridge スカイブリッジがやって来る!!
by Osaka School of Music August 1, 2018
OSMヴォーカル コースの卒業生, 遠山歌子さんがスカイブリッジSkyBridge(バークリー音楽大学卒業生たちによる、多国籍なミュージシャンの集まりと彼らの持つメッセージ)を連れて、8月9日(木曜日)午後1時~予定では3時過ぎまで、第3校舎の4階 EN431でワークショップを行います。ワークショップの内容は、作詞、作曲、編曲などについてレクチャーしていただいた後、”海外で学び、海外で活動する”ことについてなど、様々な質問を投げかけてみます。後半ではスカイブリッジのレパートリーを一緒に練習したり、発表したり、アクティヴなワーク ショップになる予定です。
Music City SongStar コンテストで銅賞受賞(英語記事)
Fall 2017 songwriting competition
No Rain No Rainbow received a bronze award at the Music City SongStar Contest.
by Color Magazine November 6, 2017
This year’s lineup includes the Pletenitsa Balkan Choir, Dominique Jones, Claudia Medina’s Peruvian Jazz Project, and guest alumna Utako Toyama with Skybridge.
Music that Moves You (英語記事)
by moderate Kenyan June 12, 2017
And finally from the Berklee crowd was Sky Bridge band with Japanese vocalist and composer Utako Toyama backed by two other ladies of colour. Their song ‘We declare peace’ was about global unity and they also got the audience quite engaged.
Jazz and Jam featured on AHA night(英語記事)
By National Park Service August 3, 2017
SkyBridge is a band of accomplished vocalists, pianists, guitarists, and bassists. They come from many different countries, including the United States, India, France, Ireland, Kenya, and Japan. With influences ranging from pop, R & B, reggae, jazz, soul, and funk, their musical style is truly global. Through the exchange of culture, language, and ideas, SkyBridge creates music with messages of warmth and great purpose for the global community.
Next Four Years Conference (英語記事)
by Massachusetts Peace Action December 6, 2016
SkyBridge, a diverse band and project that has an eclectic, global music style reflecting our collective concerns for social justice, diversity, equality and world peace, opened the sessions. Their slogan is “We look different, we ALL smile the same.” View video of their performances!

by The Wheel June 23rd, 2015
SkyBridge is a multi-cultural music group that originated at the Berklee College of Music in 2013. Their motto, “We look so different, we all smile the same,” is backed by a diverse membership, which includes over 50 individuals from countries spanning the globe. While their origins vary widely, the musicians of SkyBridge are connected by a love of music and the desire to build a more peaceful, equal, and friendly planet.
SkyBridge’s sound is, simply put, worldly. Because of their inclusive mission, SkyBridge attracts members with unique and diverse musical backgrounds....

LGBTQ Flash Mob with THE SKYBRIDGE(英語記事)
by Boston Music Coalition June 5th, 2015
NEXT WEEK, Saturday, June 13, 2015 — LGBTQ Flash Mob with The Skybridge!!!
“We look so different, but we all smile the same. The SkyBridge is a band that promotes diversity and equality. The band members come from all over the world, and our mission is to connect people beyond any borders by creating personal experiences with each other.”
by Jikei Group May 26th, 2015